Magyar Vakok és Gyengénlátók Bács-Kiskun Megyei Egyesülete

Egyesületünk közhasznú, nonprofit civil szervezet, melynek célja a Bác

Support us for free when you shop online. 269 webshops share a profit!

At the moment ithe extension is available on desktop, soon it will be available on mobile as well. At the moment you can donate with mobile through shopping if you visit the shop's website from the

Support us for free when you shop online. 269 webshops share a profit!

100% security and data protection!
The plugin does not collect user data

It’s a simple and secure extension which shows you Activate Donation button on Adjukossze Webshops and on product search. Read more

Support us for free when you shop online. 269 webshops share a profit!

A bővítmény jelenleg desktop verzióban használható. Ha mégis mobilon szeretnél adományozni, keresd meg a Webshopadomány oldalon azt a webshopot, ahonnan vásárolni szeretnél, és onnan indítsd el a folyamatot, így aktiválva az adományozást.

Frequently Asked Questions

Thanks to Adjukossze Webshop Adomany, you can help free of charge while shopping online. All you have to do is activate Donate before shopping (1 click!), and the percentage of donation specified on the site will go to the organization of your choice. This way everyone wins - you get the product at the same price, the organization gets a donation, and the online store gets loyal customers.

If you use Reminder - an extension for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge Chromium browsers - then you don't have to remember FaniMani. Reminder will automatically point out FaniMani's partners and with one click you activate the donation from your online purchases. It is important to click ACTIVATE DONATION before each purchase.

No. You can use webshopadomany anonymously. But if you register than you can check amount of donation you’ve raised for your cause.

No. The value of a single transaction is irrelevant.

Any social organization. It can be a foundation, association or school, or even a class, interest circle or sports club, scout troop and many others. If you can't find the profile of an organization you're interested in, provide them with information about and encourage them to register and collect donations from online purchases.

We attach great importance to ensuring that funds raised through Adjukossze Webshop Adomany are used by the right people and in the right way. Therefore, before the funds are disbursed, based on the documents sent by the organization, we confirm the authenticity of the entity in question and the account number to which the money is to be paid. If there are legitimate concerns about the credibility of the documents received, Adjukossze Webshop Adomany may withhold payment or even delete the organization's account.

You will see the donation on your account on Adjukossze Webshop Adomany within a maximum of 7 days of purchase. Payments to organizations FaniMani Foundation makes quarterly payments after the amount of Ready-to-Pay donations collected by the organization (i.e. paid by partners) is min. 10 000 HUF.

After logging in to your account at Adjukossze Webshop Adomany, you have access to the history of your transactions, the status and amount of donations accrued. Donation information appears in your account within a maximum of 7 days from the date of the transaction.

We cover the running costs of the Adjkukossze Webshop Adomany by working with partners. This allows all users to both help and raise funds completely free of charge.
The technology we use at Webshopadomany is blocked by extensions such as AdBlock, uBlock etc.

Adblocks terminate the communication between the webshopadomany and webshop. Without this communication we can't calculate and assing the shopping donation to the organization and user.

IMPORTANT: Adding the domain to the exceptions is not a solution. Adlbock must be deactivated before clicking Activate Donation and must remain deactivated until the order is finalised.

Turn off adlbock and refresh the page.